Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How to link Excel using DataTools within NavisWorks

This is not in the NavisWorks tutorial, but very handy.

  1. Start MS Excel and open:
    C:\Program Files\Autodesk\NavisWorks Manage 2009\Examples\gatehouse\gatehouse.xls

  2. Insert a Row on the top of the file and add column names (eg Layer, Date and Remark)

  3. Save the Excel file
  4. Start NavisWorks and open: gatehouse.nwd
  5. Activate DataTools via Tools\File Options
  6. Select the Tab DataTools
  7. Press on New to create a new DataTool set
  8. Type a Name eg: Excel link

  9. Choose for ODBC driver: Driver Microsoft Excel (*.xls)

  10. Press the Setup button and select the Worksheet

  11. In the SQL String type:
    SELECT * FROM [GateHouse_LayerInfo$] WHERE "Layer"= %prop("Item", "Layer");

  12. Whatch out! The $-sign is very important here!
  13. Double click in the Fields section and Enter the Field names according to the Column names you entered in Excel earlier

  14. Press OK
  15. The new Excel link is activated
  16. Press OK again
  17. Now, select an object and show the property in NavisWorks
  18. An extra tab "Excel link" is shown with the linked data to it.

1 comment:

UnderNDA said...

Thanks for this post, a real life-saver!
Just posted a link on my blog:
